This resource contains over 160 topic cards that can be used to address articulation and language goals (including written expression and pragmatics). It includes all of the following:
- Standard Topic Cards
- Silly Topic Cards
- Tell-A-Story Topic Cards
- Would You Prefer...? Topic Cards
- Procedure Topic Cards
- Problem-Solving Topic Cards
- Debate Topic Cards
For students who are working on getting sounds to generalize, give them an initial reminder to use their sound(s) and then a topic to speak about. You can take data on how many correct vs. incorrect productions you hear. The student can then try to beat his/her record during subsequent attempts. To address language skills, you can use cards as conversation starters and target skills like expanding utterance length, using correct grammar, and answering questions. You can use procedure cards to work on telling steps in sequences using sequencing words/phrases, correct grammar, and specific vocabulary. To work on written expression, these cards can be used as writing prompts. Cards can also be used during pragmatic language groups to work on social skills such as engaging in back-and-forth conversation with peers and topic maintenance. The problem-solving topic card set involves social scenarios that can be discussed to address pragmatics goals as well.
Note: This activity is part of a much larger BINDER resource, Sounds that Stick: An Articulation Resource for Generalization. It was designed to be an SLP’s go-to when working on the generalization phase of articulation therapy but includes articulation activities that can be used for earlier phases of articulation therapy as well. Included ideas and activities can be used during therapy sessions and can also be sent home with the child to facilitate carryover outside of the speech room. I have included links to outside resources that have a similar focus on speech sound generalization. If you like this resource, please check out the complete binder resource too! I hope that you will find this useful in your day-to-day practice.